Direct Contributions

When you contribute to PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside, you become a voice for equality in your own community. Our chapter is an all-volunteer organization, who receives no monetary support from PFLAG National, and is funded only by memberships and donations. With your help, we can continue to support and unify LGBTQ people and their families, create safer schools and college scholarships for local LGBTQ students, and produce educational materials and outreach programs that advocate for change.

Every single donation impacts our success. Keep reading for how to donate directly to our chapter, as well as via corporate giving campaigns and matching. For membership questions or issues, please contact us.

For your records and to identify us on donation platforms:

  • PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside is a tax-exempt, non-profit 50l(c)(3) organization. All memberships and donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines. Our Tax ID or EIN 91-1718810.
  • We are a chartered chapter of PFLAG Inc (Tax ID 95-3750694) and are included under PFLAG’s 501(c)(3) group exemption number (GEN 3366).
  • At websites that direct donations to charity, our chapter may be listed under our various names. Look for any of these options when selecting the recipient charity:
    • Tax ID or EIN 91-1718810 (this is the most specific to our chapter)
    • Parents Families And Friends Of Lesbians And Gays Inc., Bellevue (e.g. as listed in Facebook)
    • PFLAG Bellevue Eastside (e.g. an alias shown in the Guidestar charity reference tool)
  • PFLAG National, PFLAG Inc., Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Inc. (non-Bellevue) generally refer to the national organization or other chapters; they’re all worthy but aren’t the Bellevue/Eastside chapter.

Donate Directly To Our Chapter

You can donate to PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside whenever you want, online or by check. To donate online, press this Donate button, which takes you to a form where you can pay via Paypal or credit card. If you are donating to the Chris Topping Memorial scholarship fund, please indicate “For CT scholarship” in the PayPal message box (or indicate it with your check).


To contribute by check, make your check payable to PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside and mail it to PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside, PO Box 52863, Bellevue, WA 98015 or bring it to an upcoming meeting.

When you donate to our PFLAG chapter, you do not automatically become a member. You can allocate a portion of your donation for a membership on the online donation form (or with your check)—or, you can both donate and become a member via our membership form, which includes a donation option.

Donate Via Corporate Giving Campaigns

There are other ways to support our work, too. You can designate funds to our chapter via United Way and other corporate giving campaigns, allocate us as recipients for Fred Meyer Community Rewards and Amazon Smile, and arrange planned giving through bequests, trusts and insurance beneficiary designations.

Donate Via Employer Matching

Many employers and companies in our area encourage employee giving and offer to match employees contributions to a charity. Matching companies in the Seattle Eastside area include Starbucks, Microsoft, Boeing, and Alaska Airlines. If you make a donation to PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside, you might first check with your human resources department so that you can properly follow their matching procedure.

Donate Via Facebook

Facebook allows you to designate an IRS-registered 501c3 charity to receive funds from your Facebook fundraising campaign. Facebook only recognizes a specific legal name shared by many PFLAG chapters and not our common PFLAG Bellevue/Eastside name or our tax ID.

When Facebook offers you a search field to designate your charity, specify “Parents Families And Friends Of Lesbians And Gays Inc” and choose the Bellevue, WA chapter.