Chapter Library

Our curated chapter library contains books on a wide range of topics that pertain to our LGBTQ and ally community and is a free resource for our members and friends. Our current list is published here: PFLAG LIBRARY 2022-10-19.pdf.

You may contact our librarian directly at and make arrangements for lending or come to our in-person meeting to browse the library.

We also welcome contributions of gently used books on LGBTQ topics, so that we can expand our library contents. Please feel free to bring any donations to our monthly meeting or contact our librarian to discuss our current needs.

For additional resources, consult Recommended Reading as well as the section “LGBTQ Book Lists” included under  Librarians/Educators. Lambda Literary contains a constantly updated set of reviews and recommendations of LGBTQ works and a variety of writing workshops tailored for LGBTQ authors.