Education, Outreach, and Advocacy

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has worked to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties for over a hundred years and has done extensive work on behalf of LGBTQ rights. It has a nationwide network of staffed offices in every state, with ACLU Washington as one of the largest affiliates.

Community Against Violence (CUVA) is a multicultural organization that works to build the power of LGBTQ communities to transform violence and oppression.

Equal Rights Washington is a statewide political advocacy organization for the LGBTQ community of Washington State.

Gay City is Seattle-based and promotes wellness in LGBTQ communities by providing health services, connecting people to resources, fostering arts, and building community. It has a library of LGBTQ books you can visit in Seattle and also view via its online catalog (you need to register for online catalog access).

GLBT National Help Center provides vital peer-support, community connections and resource information to people with questions regarding sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Utilizing a diverse group of GLBT volunteers, they operate two national hotlines, the GLBT National Hotline and the GLBT National Youth Talkline.  They also maintain the largest collection of resources for the GLBT community in the United States, with 15,000 local resources for cities and towns across the country.

Human Rights Campaign is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for LGBTQ Americans.

Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has dedicated over thirty years to pursuing justice, fairness, and legal protections for all LGBTQ people across the nation through its precedent- setting litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force is the country’s oldest national LGBTQ advocacy group and  advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people.

QLaw is an association of LGBT legal professionals that serve as their voice in Washington state on issues related to diversity and equality in the legal profession, the course, and under the law.

QLAW foundation of Washington focuses on bridging the divide between the LGBTQ community and legal professionals and offers a free legal clinic for advice on LGBTQ issues.

Straight for Equality a national outreach and education project created in 2007 by PFLAG National to empower new straight allies who, unlike a more traditional PFLAG member, don’t necessarily have a family connection to the gay community.

The Williams Institute is a national think tank at UCLA Law school that conducts rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.