Safe Schools

LGBTQ students are particularly vulnerable to bullying, harassment, and discrimination at school. In fact, 9 out of 10 LGBT school students experience some form of mistreatment. For transgender students, district bathroom policies can profoundly impact their sense of safety and inclusion.

If you or someone you care for is an LGBTQ student attending school in the Seattle Eastside, an important first step is to learn your school district’s discrimination policies. Consult Eastside School Districts LGBTQ Policies and Procedures for the policies, procedures, and guidance documents that pertain to LGBTQ students in the Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Washington, Mercer Island, and Northshore school districts.

You can also consult state, federal, and national organizations for more information and tools.

(To help create libraries that provide resources and safety to LGBTQ students, consult Librarians and Educators.)

Consult State and Federal Agencies

These state and federal agencies provide support for bullying and harassment.

  • Washington State School Safety Center provides information on federal and state policies and programs that pertain to school harassment and bullying.
  • is a US government program that provides information from various agencies on bullying and cyberbullying, including risk factors, prevention, and effective responses.

Consult National Organizations

These national organizations work to promote safer schools and provide extensive information and resources. (The ACLU, PFLAG and GLSEN also have Washington state chapters.) Some of these websites also provide free or low cost tools and curriculum.