Helpful Publications

Along with our PFLAG Booklets, which provide provide free and low cost information, you can also easily access free publications by other organizations, which are described below. For additional resources, consult these lists:

  • Curated list from our PFLAG chapter’s library, which you can borrow or independently purchase for your own. Consult Chapter Library  for more details.
  • PFLAG Connects, PFLAG National’s comprehensive  book list for personal reading or starting a book club.
  • LGBTQa King County Library System staff-created list featuring young adult fiction and nonfiction titles with LGBTQ characters. Though its focus is youth, these books provide helpful information for adults and can provide key insights for parents of LGBTQ children.

ACLU Publications

The ACLU offers numerous free publications on LGBTQ issues and AIDS that you can download for free or in some cases order in hard copy. Also see ACLU Teacher Resources for publications on advocating for LGBTQ youth, including Parents’ Guide to Public School Boards.

Advocates for Youth

Advocates for Youth creates brochures on a range of health and sexuality topics that you can download for free in PDF format or order at low cost. For LGBTQ youth, these brochures are particularly appropriate:

I Think I Might Be Bisexual, Now What Do I Do?

I Think I might Be Transgender, Now What Do I Do

I Think I Might Be Gay, Now What Do I Do?

I Think I Might Be Lesbian, Now What Do I Do?

Human Rights Campaign Publications

The Human Rights Campaign, known as HRC, provides free PDF files of publications on a diverse range of issues, including coming out, transgender health, and much more.

If you are an at-risk youth or know one, consult On Our Own: A Survival Guide for Independent LGBTQ Youth, which HRC produced in partnership with True Colors Fund, co-founded by Cyndi Lauper, and Time Out Youth Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. It provides information for youth living on their own after leaving unsupportive or abusive homes, or aging out of foster care.

King County Trans* Resource and Referral Guide

The King County Trans* Resource and Referral Guide is a community draft project created the LGBT Access project that covers free or low-cost community-based services for the local trans* community.

The Big Book of All Things Transgender

The Big Book of Everything Transgender is the ongoing work of Axton Burton, a local Redmond-based activist and openly transgender nonbinary person who uses They/Them pronouns. Axton covers the full range of topics for trans+ people at all points in their transition and is particularly cognizant of diverse backgrounds and needs.  The “Big Book” addresses key survival topics—such as how to find a free binder or legally change your name and gender marker—and distills often complex challenges into more doable action.

While the book is an invaluable and comprehensive resource for transgender people, it also provides helpful resources for all queer people, particularly its large list of personally vetted mental health providers. Many LGBTQ people seeking mental health providers, even those with employer-provided insurance systems, often find it difficult to filter down to specific skillsets. The “Big Book” lets you identify both the gender and location of vetted providers and then compare it with your coverage.