Advocacy Organizations

These national and state-based organizations all advocate for the LGBTQ community and can provide information, resources, and in some cases legal assistance. You might want to join them as a member or volunteer. For a more extensive list of LGBTQ organizations, consult LGBTQ Resources.


  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has worked to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties for over a hundred years and has done extensive work on behalf of LGBTQ rights. It has a nationwide network of staffed offices in every state, with ACLU Washington as one of the largest affiliates.
  • Human Rights Campaign is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for the LGBTQ community.
  • Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.
  • National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has dedicated over thirty years to pursuing justice, fairness, and legal protections for all LGBTQ people across the nation through its precedent- setting litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.
  • National Gay & Lesbian Task Force is the country’s oldest national LGBTQ advocacy group and  advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people.
  • The Williams Institute is a national think tank at UCLA Law school that conducts rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.


  • ACLU Washington is one of the largest affiliates of the ACLU and does extensive work to support our LGBTQ rights in our state.
  • Equal Rights Washington is a statewide political advocacy organization for the LGBTQ community of Washington State.
  • Transform Washington is a public education campaign (through storytelling and photos) that celebrates the dignity, diversity and humanity of transgender and gender non-conforming people.
  • Washington Safety & Access For Everyone Alliance (SAFE) is a coalition of organizations and individuals across Washington state who have joined together to defend longstanding anti-discrimination laws, especially for the transgender community.
  • Washington Won’t Discriminate is a coalition of Washingtonians who want to keep our state’s non-discrimination protections for the transgender* community.